We're assuming the dime-a-dozen — or 120 million dimes-a-dozen given the $1 million-plus price tag — Bugatti Veyron left some buyers wanting a touch more exclusivity. We mean, what's a Manhattan I-Banker or hedge fund owner going to do to set himself apart from the rest of the masses of über-rich? They do the only reasonable thing, spend an extra $1.3 million on a Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermès. Yes, you heard us right — a total price of over $2.3 million for a special Bugatti Veyron that doesn't even look that much different than the average run-of-the-mill Veyron any poor schmo can buy from any of the nine dealerships strewn across the U.S. of A. But as a connoisseur of the corpulent, you'll know all about the external dollop of Hermes-specific color shades, the fancy "H" emblem wheels and the "Bugatti Fbg par Hermes" inscribed filler door. Oh, and we mustn't forget the fancy-schmancy chicken wire over the radiator intakes. But wait, what's this? Oh no! As you can see in the gallery below, folk who are mere filthy rich are already lining up for one already. Rats, the richest of the richest clans of worldly wealth will have to find something else to sate the desire for douchebaggery. Ooh, we hear the store at The Pierre is selling gold-plated tampons. Let's get some for the missus while the peons here read the press release after the jump.
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